CUET Legal Studies Syllabus 2025

CUET Legal Studies Syllabus 2025 - The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) to assess students' college readiness. A CUET 2025 Legal Studies score carries significant weight in college admissions, making it essential to prepare thoroughly. To excel in the exam, you should start by comprehending the CUET syllabus, format, and other important information.
For complete coverage of CUET Legal Studies Syllabus 2025 you can refer to HitBullseye's Comprehensive CUET Legal Studies Study Book
Whether you're aspiring for an Undergraduate program in a University or college, getting a satisfactory score in CUET Legal Studies is imperative. So, buckle up, hone your legal acumen and give your best shot!
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In this blog, we will discuss the CUET Legal Studies Syllabus 2025, the exam structure, a few preparation ideas, a strategy, and some vital information regarding the examination of legal studies.
CUET Legal Studies Syllabus:
The Legal studies syllabus comprises eight inter-connected chapters. Each chapter, including Judiciary, Arbitration, Tribunal Adjunction, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Human Rights in India, Legal Professional in India, and Legal Maxims, is critical and requires meticulous planning and preparation.
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The comprehensive course outline for Legal Studies is presented in the following table:
  • Structure and Hierarchy of Legal Offices Courts in India.
  • Courts and Judicial Review.
  • Appointments, Training, Retirement, and Removal of judges.
  • Constitution, Roles, and Impartiality.
  • Law of Property.
  • Introduction to Criminal Laws in India.
  • Law of Torts.
  • Law of Contracts.
  • Introduction to International Law.
  • Dispute Resolution – Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, ICJ and ICC.
  • Sources of International Law – Treaties, ICJ Decisions and Customs.
  • International law & Municipal Law.
  • International Institutions, International Human Rights.
  • Customary International Law.
  • International Law & India.
  • Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems.
  • Mediation and Conciliation.
  • Arbitration, Administrative, and Tribunals.
  • Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution.
  • Types of ADR.
  • Lokpal and Lokayukta.
  • Lok Adalats.
  • Ombudsman.
  • Introduction – International Context.
  • Complaint Mechanisms of Quasi-judicial Bodies.
  • Constitutional framework and Related laws in India.
  • Legal background – Legal Aid under the Indian Constitution, Legal Aid by the State, NALSA Regulations, 2010, Free Legal Aid under Criminal law.
  • Legal Aid in Context of Human Rights and  Social Justice.
  • Lok Adalats.
  • Criteria for giving free Legal Services.
  • Introduction and
  • The Advocates Act, 1961, Lawyers and Professional Ethics, Advertising by Lawyers, The Bar Council of India, Women and the Legal Profession in India.
  • Opportunities for Law graduates, Legal Education in India, Liberalization of the Legal Profession,
  • Important Legal Maxims.
  • Meaning with illustrations of the following:
- Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea
- Ad valorem
- Amicus Curiae
- Audi alterem partum
- Assentio Mentium
- Bona fide
- Bona Vacantia
- Stare Decisis
- Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium
- Caveat Emptor
- Corpus Delicto
- Damnum Sine Injuria
- De Die in Diem
- Ratio Decidendi
- Res ipsa loquitur
- De Minimis Lex Non Curat
- Doli Incapax
- Ejusdem Generis
- Qui Facit Per Alium, Facit Per Se
- Quid pro quo
- Ex Post Facto
- Ignorantia Facti Excusat – Ignorantia Juris Non-Excusat
- Injuria Sine Damnum
- Locus Standi
- Nemo Debet Esse Judex in Propria Sua Causa
- Nemo debt non quad habit
- Noscitur a Sociis
- Obiter Dicta
- Pari Materia
- Per Incuriam
- Res Judicata Accipitur Pro Veritate
- Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex
After you have finished going through the CUET Legal Studies course, the next significant step that will assist you in getting ready for the CUET 2025 exam is becoming familiar with the examination format. Both are essential since they acquaint you entirely with the subject matter and the different questions on the CUET 2025. You can plan and build your strategy to properly prepare for each of these based on your ideas and knowledge of both. The pattern of the test for Legal Studies is described in the following bullet pointers.
The comprehensive examination format:
  • The CUET Legal Studies exam solely covers the NCERT curriculum for 12th grade. This means only study materials and concepts from that specific curriculum are relevant for the exam.
  • There will be question paper with 50 questions; candidates only need to answer 40 questions during the exam.
  • The examination will last for a total of 45 minutes and will consist of objective multiple-choice questions.
  • The examination format will be in hybrid mode (Computer-Based Test (CBT) and Pen - Paper.
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Approaches for the Preparation Of Legal Studies::
Your chances of passing the CUET in Legal Studies will unquestionably improve if you prepare thoroughly and implement the tactics that are outlined in the following paragraphs.
  • Master the Syllabus: The CUET syllabus for Legal Studies has two themes. However, each unit is split into eight units, and each unit is further subdivided into subunits. Due to the extensive nature of the syllabus, there is always the possibility that some information will be overlooked or forgotten. Therefore, when preparing for Legal studies for CUET, you must look through the syllabus carefully and in great depth.   A comprehensive understanding of the course material benefits your ability to plan. Therefore, awareness is very vital to the process of improving your talent.
  • Since you will almost certainly be tested on legal sayings and definitions, it is in your best interest to study them carefully.
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  • Management of Time: Time is a precious resource, and it's important to use it wisely. Effective time management is key to succeeding in CUET. Ensure you allocate time for each exam section based on its importance and difficulty level. By doing so, you'll have ample time to cover the syllabus thoroughly. Sticking to your schedule is crucial to making the most of your available time. It's also essential to allocate sufficient time for both practice and review. With diligent adherence to your plan, you'll be sure to succeed.
  • Awareness about Areas of Strengths and Weaknesses: Once you have reviewed the course outline, completing this task becomes your next priority. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses will help you design a more structured and productive pre-game routine. Determine which chapters you comprehend better and which ones require more effort, and then devise a schedule that accommodates both. With limited time at your disposal, it is important to direct your efforts and energy toward the right areas.
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