CUET Biology Syllabus 2025: Syllabus, Pattern and Preparation Tips

CUET Biology Syllabus 2025- CUET(Common Universities Entrance Test) 2025 is used to gain admission to prestigious Central, State, and Private Universities and for other 500 (tentative) institutes.
This exam qualifies applicants for admission to Central and State Universities. The difficulty level is also high because it is a national-level entrance exam. As a result, aspirants must be familiar with the CUET 2025 exam syllabus and format.
For complete coverage of CUET Biology Syllabus 2025 you can refer to HitBullseye's Comprehensive CUET Biology Study Book
CUET-UG 2025: Overview
Undergraduate programs at CUET will be offered across multiple Central and State institutions in India. The exam will be held in 13 Languages—Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Odia, Assamese, and English—allowing candidates to select their preferred medium.
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Hundreds of thousands of students take the CUET each year to secure entry into their preferred Universities. The test comprises three sections: Language, Domain-Specific Subjects, and General Test. While the first two sections are compulsory for all candidates, the third is optional.
CUET Biology Exam Pattern
The CUET 2025 exam has three sections: Section 1 is a Language test, Section 2 is a Domain-Specific subject test, and Section 3 is a General Test. Each segment has a unique syllabus, amount of questions, time, and the maximum number of questions to attempt.
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These facts are included in the exam pattern in an overall format. The CUET-UG 2025 exam pattern is as follows:
Exam Name
Full Name of the Exam
Common Universities Entrance Test
Medium of Exam
13 Different Languages
Frequency of Exam
One Time in a Year
Type of Questions
Duration of Biology Section
45 minutes
Maximum Number of Questions from the Biology Section
Number of Questions to be Attempted in Biology Section
Maximum Marks Obtained in Biology
(+5) for every right answer, (-1) for every wrong answer, and (0) for every unattempted question
CUET 2025 Biology Syllabus
Knowledge of the CUET Biology syllabus 2025 is essential for passing the India-level test. The same is true for the CUET 2025 exam.
Most students have yet to discover the CUET Biology syllabus 2025. Here is a list of distinct units, chapters, and themes in Zoology and Botany.
Reproduction in organisms: Reproduction, characteristic of species; Modes of reproduction –Asexual and sexual; Asexual reproduction; Modes- Binary fission, sporulation, budding, gemmule, fragmentation; vegetative propagation in plants.
Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Flower structure; Development of male and female gametophytes; Pollination–types, agencies and examples; Outbreedings devices; Pollen-Pistil interaction; Double fertilization; Post fertilization events– Development of endosperm and embryo, Development of seed and formation of fruit; Special modes– apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony; Significance of seed and fruit formation.
Human Reproduction: Male and female reproductive systems; Microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary; Gametogenesis- spermatogenesis & oogenesis; Menstrual cycle; Fertilisation, embryo development up to blastocyst formation, implantation; Pregnancy and placenta formation (Elementary idea); Parturition (Elementary idea);Lactation (Elementary idea).
Reproductive health: Need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases(STD); Birth control- Need and Methods, Contraception and Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP); Amniocentesis; Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies – IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (Elementary idea for general awareness).
Genetics & Evolution
Heredity and variation: Mendelian Inheritance; Deviations from Mendelism– Incomplete dominance, Co-dominance, Multiple alleles and Inheritance of blood groups, Pleiotropy; Elementary idea of polygenic inheritance; Chromosome theory of inheritance; Chromosomesandgenes; Sex determination–Inhumans, birds, honeybee; Linkage and crossing over; Sex linked inheritance- Haemophilia, Colour blindness;Mendeliandisorders in humans– Thalassemia; Chromosomal disordersinhumans;Down syndrome, Turner’s and Klinefelter’s syndromes.
Molecular Basis of Inheritance: Search for genetic material and DNA as genetic material; Structure of DNA and RNA; DNA packaging; DNA replication; Central dogma; Transcription, genetic code, translation; Gene expression and regulation–Lac Operon; Genome and human genome project; DNA fingerprinting.
Evolution: Origin of life; Biological evolution and evidences for biological evolution (Paleontological, comparative anatomy, embryology and molecular evidence); Darwin’s contribution, Modern Synthetic theory of Evolution; Mechanism of evolution–Variation(Mutation and Recombination) and Natural Selection with examples, types of natural selection; Geneflowandgeneticdirft; Hardy-Weinberg’ principle; Adaptive Radiation; Human evolution.
Biology and Human welfare
Health and Disease: Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases (Malaria, Filariasis, Ascariasis, Typhoid, Pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ring worm); Basic concepts of immunology–vaccines; Cancer, HIV and AIDs; Adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse.
Improvement in food production: Plant breeding, tissue culture, single cell protein, Biofortification; Apiculture and Animal husbandry. 
Microbes in human welfare: In household food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment, energy generation and as biocontrol agents and biofertilizers.
Biotechnology and its Applications
Principles and process of Biotechnology: Genetic engineering (Recombinant DNA technology).
Application of Biotechnology in health and Agriculture: Human insulin and vaccine production, gene therapy; Genetically modified organisms-Bt crops; Transgenic Animals; Biosafety issues–Biopiracy and patents.
Ecology and Environment
Organisms and environment: Habitat and niche; Population and ecological adaptations; Population interactions– mutualism, competition, predation, parasitism; Population attributes–growth, birth rate and death rate, age distribution.
Ecosystems: Patterns, components; productivity and decomposition; Energy flow; Pyramids of number, biomass, energy; Nutrient cycling (carbon and phosphorous); Ecological succession; Ecological Services– Carbon fixation, pollination, oxygen release.
Biodiversity and its conservation: Concept of Biodiversity; Patterns of Biodiversity; Importance of Biodiversity; Loss of Biodiversity; Biodiversity conservation; Hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction, Red Data Book, biosphere reserves, National parks and sanctuaries.
Environmental issues: Air pollution and its control; Water pollution and its control; Agrochemicals and their effects; Solid waste management; Radioactive waste management; Greenhouse effect and global warming; Ozone depletion; Deforestation; Any three case studies as success stories addressing environmental issues.
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How to prepare for CUET Biology syllabus 2025 for CUET Exam?
There are several ways to begin and prepare for CUET Biology syllabus 2025, but one should choose the method that best suits them. We'll provide you with a few pointers that can help you improve your Biology study strategy (CUET).
Correct knowledge of the syllabus: Even though there are just five chapters, they are separated into multiple subtopics and several short portions. Before beginning preparation, the CUET 2025 Biology syllabus should be thoroughly reviewed.
Understanding the Exam Pattern: This assists students in comprehending the format of the paper, the types of questions, and critical sections of the syllabus. It is an integral part of the preparation process.
Crafting an effective preparatory strategy: A well-crafted plan is often the key ingredient that we lack the most. Having a proper blueprint that is tailored to your unique requirements is crucial. One way to start positively is by prioritizing the five units based on your strengths and holding onto them. Additionally, make sure to follow a set routine and timeline rigorously.
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Mock examination and revision: Remember that practice makes perfect. After finishing the CUET 2025 Biology syllabus, it is highly suggested that you practice and review using sample tests. This will help you evaluate your preparation level and give you an idea about time management.
These step-by-step strategies will undoubtedly assist you in better preparing for CUET Biology. Always remember to believe in your strengths and work on your flaws, and you will be able to succeed.
This is a well-thought-out concept for the CUET 2025 Biology syllabus and preparation plan. Always remember to be syllabus-specific and detailed in your approach when preparing. Without further ado, begin your preparation and give yourself the best chance of gaining admission to the nation's most prestigious Universities.
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