Unit No. |
Unit Name |
Sub-Topics |
Unit I |
Health Status and Programmes In India Major Diseases and Health Policies |
- Present Health Status:
- Major diseases: Communicable – Typhoid, Influenza, Malaria, Dengue, HIV Infection
- Non-Communicable – Diabetes, Hypertension, Depression
- Nutritional status: Hypo and Hyper nutrition
- Health Policies and Programmes:
- National Health Policies (National Health Policy documents, Mental Health etc.)
- National Policy on Education
- School health services and midday meal programme
- National Rural Health Mission
- Adolescence Education programme
Unit II |
Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Physical Education and Sports |
- Psychological Aspects:
- Role of Psychology in Games and Sports
- Interest, Aptitude and Motivation in sports
- Personality development through sports
- Role of sports in managing emotion, stress and aggression
- Sociological Aspects:
- Socialization through sports (Impact of sports on society)
- Understanding the impact of caste, class, and gender and differently disabled on health and sports
- Development of leadership qualities through games and sports
Unit III |
Theoretical Aspect of Games, Sports, and Yogic Practice |
- Basics of Games and Sports:
- Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Kabbadi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Swimming, Table tennis, Wrestling (One to be opted of your choice)
- Key Aspects:
- Individual/Team
- Indoor/Outdoor
- Number of players, Equipment/gears
- Play field areas
- General rules
- Interpretation of Rules
- Advanced skills of the Games and Sports
- Basic Strategies of the Games and Sports
- Criteria of participation
- Fouls and penalties
- Scoring rules
- Winning or losing parameters
- Safety and Guidelines
- Awards
Unit IV |
Yoga |
- Basics of Yogic Practices:
- Suryanamaskar/Sun Salutation
- Asanas:
- Standing: Uttrikshasana, Trikonasana, Padhatasana, Utkatsana, Ardhchakrasana
- Sitting: Pravatasana, Urstasana, Yogmudrasana, Simhasana, Dhanurasana, Sukhasana
- Lying: Proline Makarasana, Shalbhasana; Supine: Viparitakarani, Sarvangasana
- Advanced Asanas: Utkatasana, Kukutasana
- Kriya: Kapalbhati
- Bandha: Uddiyana
- Pranayama: Bhramari, Sheetli, and Sheetkari
- Yognidra: Knowledge of Do’s and don’ts of yogic practices
Unit V |
Nutrition and Athlete’s Care |
- Food and Nutrition:
- Importance of balanced diet for sports persons
- Diet for Power Sports, Short and long duration sports
- Food adulteration and awareness
- Athlete’s Care:
- Causes and management of Common Sports Injuries: Sprain, Strain, Contusion, Abrasion, Cramp, Muscle Pull, Dislocation, Fracture
- Obesity and its Management
- Drugs and doping Education
Unit VI |
Policy, Programmes, and Career Options |
- National Sports Policies in India
- Sports Awards: Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, Arjuna Award, Dronacharya Award
- Career Opportunities in Physical Education, Sports, and Yoga in India
- Courses offered in Physical Education, Sports, and Yoga in India
Unit VII |
Skill-Related Physical Fitness |
- Means and methods for improvement of:
• Power • Speed • Agility • Balance
Unit VIII |
Measurement and Evaluation |
- Physical Fitness Tests:
- Power: Standing Broad Jump, Backward Medicine Ball Throw
- Speed: Sprint (40 Meters), Sprint (50 Meters)
- Agility: Shuttle Run (4X10 Meters), SEMO Agility test
- Balance: Static Balance (Stroke Stand Test), Dynamic Balance (Modified Bass Test)