CUET Political Science Syllabus 2025

CUET Political Science Syllabus 2025 - To gain a better understanding of the CUET 2025 Political Science syllabus, it is recommended to review the syllabus for CUET in 2025 thoroughly. Due to its vast appeal, Political Science is a popular major among Undergraduate students. Section II of the syllabus focuses on Domain-Specific subjects, which include significant chapters on Indian Politics and Political speeches worldwide. This article serves the CUET 2025 Political Science syllabus and provides crucial information on the subject before delving into the syllabus.
For complete coverage of CUET Political Science Syllabus 2025 you can refer to HitBullseye's Comprehensive CUET Political Science Study Book
Political Science Syllabus for CUET:
The CUET Political Science syllabus is split into two more comprehensive sections:
  • Politics in India since Independence.
  • Contemporary World Politics.
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CUET Political Science Syllabus 2025 has been divided into several chapters, all equally important and interconnected. The accompanying table provides a detailed syllabus outline, and it is highly recommended that students read it thoroughly to familiarize themselves with its contents.
UNIT 1 Political in India Since Independence
Era of One-Party Dominance
  • First three general elections, nature of Congress dominance at the national level, uneven dominance at the state level, coalitional nature of Congress. Major opposition parties.
Nation-Building and Its Problems
  • Nehru’s approach to nation-building: Legacy of partition: challenge of ‘refugee’ resettlement, the Kashmir problem.
  • Organisation and reorganisation of states; Political conflicts over language.
Politics of Planned Development
  • Five-year plans, expansion of state sector and the rise of new economic interest.
India's External Relation
  • Nehru’s foreign policy. Sino-Indian war of 1962, Indo-Pak war of 1965 and 1971. India’s nuclear programme and shifting alliance in world politics.
Challenge to and Restoration of Congress System
  • Political succession after Nehru. Non-Congressism and electoral upset of 1967, Congress split and reconstitution, Congress’ victory in 1971 elections, politics of ‘garibi hatao’.
Crises of the Constitutional Order
  • Search for ‘committed’ bureaucracy and judiciary. Navnirman movement in Gujarat and the Bihar movement. Emergency: context, constitutional and extra-constitutional dimensions, resistance to emergency. 1977 elections and the formation of Janata Party. Rise of civil liberties organisations.
Regional Aspiration and Conflicts
  • Rise of regional parties. Punjab crisis and the anti-Sikh riots of 1984. The Kashmir situation. Challenges and responses in the North East.
Democratic Upsurge and Coalition Politics
  • Participatory upsurge in 1990s. Rise of the JD and the BJP. Increasing role of regional parties and coalition politics. UF and NDA governments. Elections 2004-2019 and UPA government with addition of NDA government.
Recent Issues and Challenges
  • Challenge of and responses to globalization: new economic policy and its opposition. Rise of OBCs in North Indian politics. Dalit politics in electoral and non-electoral arena. Challenge of communalism: Ayodhya issue.
Unit 2: Contemporary World Politics
Disintegration of the ‘Second World’ and the Collapse of Bipolarity
  • New entities in world politics: Russia, Balkan states and, Central Asian states, Introduction of democratic politics and capitalism in post-communist regimes. India’s relations with Russia and other post-communist countries.
Alternative Centers of Economic and Political Power
  • Rise of China as an economic power in post-Mao era, creation and expansion of European Union, ASEAN. India’s changing relations with China, Japan and South Korea.
South Asia in the Post Cold War Era
  • Democratisation and its reversals in Pakistan and Nepal. Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Impact of economic globalization on the region. Conflicts and efforts for peace in South Asia. India’s relation with its neighbours.
International Organisations in a Unipolar World
  • Restructuring and the future of the UN. India’s position in the restructured UN. Rise of new international actors: new international economic organisations, NGOs. How democratic and accountable are the new institution of global governance?
Security in Contemporary World
  • Traditional concerns of security and politics of disarmament. Non-traditional of human security: global poverty, health and education. Issues of human rights and migration.
Environment and Natural Resources in Global Politics
  • Environment movement and evolution of global environmental norms. Conflicts over traditional and common property resources. Right of indigenous people. India’s stand in global environmental debates.
Globalisation and its Critics
  • Economic, cultural and political manifestations. Debates on the nature of consequences of globalization. Anti-globalisation movements. India as an arena of globalization and struggles against it.
Merely being familiar with the Political Science syllabus for CUET 2025 may serve as only a stepping stone. To prepare for the CUET 2025 Political Science, students must thoroughly evaluate the CUET Political Science Syllabus 2025 and consider an appropriate action plan.
Before starting this study route, you will find some crucial details about the CUET Political Science exam pattern. These facts can help you develop a plan of action for the CUET 2025 exam.
You will find some important details about the CUET Political Science exam pattern presented below before you start this route of study. These facts can help you come up with a plan of action for the exam.
  • The NCERT syllabus will be the only part of the Political Science syllabus for the CUET 2025 starting with the 12th-grade level, according to details released by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
  • There will be a question paper with 50 questions and the students need to answer only 40 of these questions.
  • The exam will be 45 minutes long and consist of objective multiple-choice questions.
  • The CUET 2025 is in hybrid mode (CBT and Pen-Paper).
How to Prepare Political Science for CUET:
CUET 2025 is a standardized and centralized test and the competition level is expected to rise significantly. To have any chance of getting admission to a prestigious Central University and other Universities, aspiring students need to adopt a disciplined and well-structured approach.
Don't stress about preparing for the CUET 2025 Political Science section any longer. Instead, check out our article for a comprehensive preparation plan to help you study more efficiently and effectively.
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Knowledge of the Syllabus  and the Exam Structure:
To kick-start your preparation, read the CUET 2025 Political Science syllabus thoroughly and familiarize yourself with the CUET 2025 exam format exam format. This way, you'll comprehend both the syllabus content and the significance of each subject. A grasp of the syllabus and exam structure goes a long way in bolstering your strategy execution. Armed with all the pertinent information, devising a prep schedule is smooth sailing.
The Perfect Schedule:
Effective time management is critical for avoiding falling behind schedule. It's one of the most essential skills for anyone striving to achieve their goals. This skill requires a high degree of self-discipline and punctuality. Sticking closely to your timetable allows you to manage your schedule effectively. Take the time to create a schedule that covers all topics promptly, allowing for additional practice and review time. As you develop your schedule, remember to consider your strengths and your approach to learning in an examination setting.
Unwind and Remember to Take Care of Yourself:
When preparing for a big event, the most crucial thing to remember is taking care of yourself. Besides your efforts toward the event, a healthy diet and sufficient rest are vital. To focus your mind and body on your preparations, ensure they are both healthy. They should collaborate to keep you target-oriented and attentive. Take a break and do things that let you unwind and relax. It's crucial to avoid overextending yourself.