NCERT Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 3, titled "Yoga as Preventive Measure for Lifestyle Diseases", explores the importance of yoga in maintaining health and preventing lifestyle-related diseases. The chapter focuses on the principles and practices of yoga, its benefits, and its role in addressing issues such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.
This article is a comprehensive resource for exam preparation. It includes sample MCQs for CBSE and CUET, along with downloadable PDFs of Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 3 MCQs and previous year questions to master NCERT Class 12 Yoga as Preventive Measure for Lifestyle Diseases.
NCERT Class 12 Physical Education Chapters
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Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 3 MCQs
This question bank includes previous years' CUET and CBSE MCQs, along with questions curated by subject experts. Below are 5 sample multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 3: Yoga as Preventive Measure for Lifestyle Diseases. For the full set of 50 questions, download the PDF using the link provided below.
1. Which of the following yoga asanas is specifically mentioned for improving immunity?
(A) Trikonasana
(B) Bhujangasana
(C) Ustrasana
(D) Tadasana
2. Yogasutra was compiled by:
(A) Patanjali
(B) Gheranda
(C) Shivananda
(D) Svatmarma
3. How many types of Asanas are there in Yoga?
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 12
4. Which of the following methods, apart from BMI, is commonly used to measure body fat and assess obesity?
(A) Blood Pressure Measurement
(B) Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
(C) Blood Sugar Test
(D) Heart Rate Monitoring
5. Match the Asana with its Key Benefit:
Asana |
Key Benefit |
1. Vajrasana |
A. Increases height in growing children |
2. Hastasana (Hastottanasana) |
B. Relieves constipation |
3. Ardha Matsyendrasana |
C. Improves oxygen supply to lungs |
4. Trikonasana |
D. Strengthens pelvic muscles |
Review of NCERT Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 3
In NCERT Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 3, "Yoga as Preventive Measure for Lifestyle Diseases", students gain insights into the transformative power of yoga in promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The chapter emphasizes the importance of yoga practices in preventing and managing lifestyle diseases.
By mastering this chapter, students can understand how to integrate yoga into daily routines to enhance overall health. Practicing MCQs from this chapter ensures thorough preparation for CBSE and CUET exams.