NCERT Class 12 Biology Chapters
Which of the following does not have direct role in genetic engineering?
(a) Restriction enzymes (b) Polymerase
(c) Lipase (d) Vectors
The first instance of construction of an artificial recombinant DNA molecule was carried out on the plasmid of:
(a) Bascillus thuringiensis (b) Escherichia Coli
(c) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (d) Salmonella typhimurium
Cohen and Boyer created the first recombinant DNA using plasmid of
(a) Escherichia coli (b) Thermus aquaticus
(c) Salmonella typhimurium (d) Bacillus thuringiensis
In gel electrophoresis the separated DNA fragments can be visualised :
(a) In visible light.
(b) In visible light with staining.
(c) In UV radiation without staining.
(d) In UV radiation after staining with ethidium bromide.
Which of the following is used to make the bacterial cell as ‘Competent cell’ to take up DNA?
(a) Carbonate ion (b) Calcium ion (c) Sodium ion (d) Sulphate ion
Non viral and non vector methods are sometimes used to transfer genes or alien DNA into a plant cell. Explain one such method used in genetic engineering.
(CBSE 2022, 3M)
Why DNA cannot pass through the cell membrane? How can the bacteria be made competent to take up a plasmid? Explain a method for introduction of alien DNA into a plant host cell. Name a pathogen that is used as a disarmed vector.
(CBSE 2019, 3M)
(i) Identify and name the structures ‘A’ and ‘B’ marked in the image given below:
(ii) State their importance in various biotechnology experiments.
(CBSE 2023, 2M)
Explain the process by which a bacterial cell can be made ‘competent’ to take up foreign DNA from its surroundings, using divalent cations and temperature treatment.
(CBSE 2023, 2M)
Vectors are DNA molecules that can carry a foreign DNA segment into the host cell.
(i) Write the significance of ‘ori’ in the vector.
(ii) Give one example each of vectors used for cloning genes in plants and animals.
(CBSE 2023, 2M)
Chapter Name
Sub Topics
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Principles of Biotechnology
9.3 Tools of Genetic Engineering
9.4 Restriction Enzymes and DNA Manipulation
9.5 Vectors in Genetic Engineering
9.6 Process of Recombinant DNA Technology
9.7 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
9.8 Applications of Biotechnology