NCERT Class 12 Biology Chapters
Identify the equation representing logistic growth of a population.
(a) |
DIRECTIONS for questions 57 to 61: Read the given paragraph and answer the given question.
Parasitism has evolved in many taxonomic groups from plants to higher vertebrates. Many parasites have evolved to be host specific in such a way that both host and the parasite tend to co – evolve. In accordance with their life styles, parasite evolve special adaptations and complex life cycle.
Complex life cycle of parasites mean:
(a) Having only one intermediate host.
(b) Having special adaptations to cling on to the host.
(c) Having many hosts.
(d) Having one or two intermediate hosts to facilitate parasitisation of its primary host
Parasites harm the host by:
(a) Reducing its size.
(b) Improving its growth and reproduction.
(c) Reducing its survival, growth, reproduction and population density.
(d) Improving its survival, growth and reproduction.
Match List – I with List – II.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) (A) – (III), (B) – (II), (C) – (I), (D) – (IV) (b) (A) – (III), (B) – (I), (C) – (IV), (D) – (II)
(c) (A) – (II), (B) – (I), (C) – (III), (D) – (IV) (d) (A) – (I), (B) – (III), (C) – (IV), (D) – (II)
Identify the statements which are not true with respect to host parasite relationship.
(A) Host and parasite tend to co – evolve.
(B) Parasite have evolved elaborate nervous system for survival.
(C) If the host evolves to reject the parasite, the parasite also evolve to counteract them in order to be successful with the same host species.
(D) If the host evolves special mechanisms for rejecting the parasite, the parasite evolves to be successful in the another host species.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) (A) and (B) only (b) (C) and (D) only (c) (B) and (D) only (d) (A) and (C) only
"Cattle and goats do not browse the Calotropis plant." Justify the statement giving reasons.
(CBSE 2023, 2M)
(i) Give an example of a genus of fungi that forms mycorrhizial association with plants.
(ii) How does the plant derive benefits from this association?
(CBSE 2023, 2M)
List and explain any two factors that lead to a decrease in the population density of an area.
(CBSE 2023, 2M)
Study the graph given below, showing the population growth curves ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively. Answer the following questions :
(a) What is ‘Carrying Capacity’ in respect of Curve ‘B’ indicative of?
(b) Mention the action of possible natural forces that could have lead to curve ‘B’.
(CBSE 2022, 2M)
Identify the type of pyramid given above. Write the identifying feature on the basis of which you identified it.
(CBSE 2022)
Chapter Name
Sub Topics
Organisms and Populations
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Ecological Factors and Adaptations
11.3 Population Interactions: Competition, Predation, and Parasitism
11.4 Population Growth Models
11.5 Ecological Succession and its Types
11.6 Biodiversity and Its Significance