NCERT Class 12 Biology Chapters
Which forest also known as the ‘lungs of the planet earth’?
(a) Amazon rain forest (b) Rain forest of north – east India
(c) Tiaga forest (d) Tundra forest
Species – area relationship in South American jungles was studied by–
(a) Alexander von Humboldt (b) Paul Ehrlich
(c) Robert May (d) David Tilman
Extinction of Steller’s sea Cow and passenger pigeon is due to __________.
(a) Invasion of alien species (b) Over exploitation by human
(c) Habitat loss and fragmentation (d) Co – extinction
Which of the following is not an alien species in India?
(a) Water hyacinth (b) Elephant Grass (c) Carrot Grass (d) Lantana
‘Terror of Bengal’ is another name of:
(a) Solanum tuberosum (b) Eichhornia crassipes
(c) Algal bloom (d) Oryza sativa
Analyse the effects of ‘Alien species invasion’ on the biodiversity of a given area. Provide two examples.
(CBSE 2019, 3M)
Illustrate with the help of an example how introduction of an alien species turns invasive and causes decline of an indigenous species.
(CBSE 2023, 2M)
“Stability of community depends upon its species richness.” How did David Tilman show this experimentally?
(CBSE 2022, 2M)
Give your interpretation of the message given by ecologist Paul Ehrlich through his analogy “rivet popper hypothesis” to human race.
(CBSE 2022, 2M)
Study the given graphs (X) and (Y) depicting the annual variation in solar radiation on Earth from January to December and answer the under mentioned questions.
Chapter Name
Sub Topics
Biodiversity and Conservation
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Levels of Biodiversity
13.3 Importance of Biodiversity
13.4 Loss of Biodiversity and Threats to Biodiversity
13.5 Conservation of Biodiversity
13.6 In-situ and Ex-situ Conservation
13.7 Biodiversity Hotspots
13.8 Role of Government and NGOs in Conservation