NCERT Class 12 Biology Chapters
Early Greek thinkers thought that units of life called spores were transferred to different planets including earth. Identify the term associated with the above.
(a) Abiogenesis (b) Panspermia
(c) Spontancous generation (d) Biogenesis
Select the gases which combined with oxygen to form water, carbon dioxide and others organic compounds earlier on earth.
(a) Ammonia and Methane (b) Ammonia and Hydrogen
(c) Methane and Hydrogen (d) Methane and Ozone
When the life appear on the earth after its formation?
(a) After 200 million years (b) After 300 million years
(c) After 500 million years (d) After 250 million years
According to the early Greek thinkers, the unit of life which were transferred to different planets were-
(a) Spores (b) Water (c) Oxygen (d) Methane
Louis Pasteur by careful experimentation demonstrated that life comes from-
(a) Killed yeast (b) Rotting matter (c) Other plants (d) Pre-existing life
Explain how did the experiment conducted by S.L. Miller substantiate that life evolved from pre – existing organic molecules.
(CBSE 2023, 3M)
Study the diagrammatic representation of S.L. Miller’s experiment given below and answer the questions that follow :
(a) How did S.L. Miller create the conditions which existed before the origin of any life on Earth?
(b) Name the organic compound formed and collected at the end of his experiment.
(c) Mention the kind of evolution his experiment supports.
(CBSE 2020, 3M)
Describe S.L. Miller’s experiment. Comment on the observations he made and his contribution towards the origin of life on Earth.
(CBSE 2019, 5M)
Charles Darwin during his famous sea voyage around the world in a ship (HMS Beagle) concluded that there has been gradual evolution of life. Answer the following questions :
(a) What is his theory known as? Explain the salient features of his theory.
(b) Name a scientist who arrived at a similar conclusion as that of Charles Darwin.
(CBSE 2019, 3M)
Wings of birds and wings of butterflies contribute to locomotion. Explain the type of evolution such organs are a result of.
(CBSE 2020, 2M)
Chapter Name
Sub Topics
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
6.3 Evidences for Evolution
6.4 Variation and Adaptation
6.5 Natural Selection and its Mechanisms
6.6 Speciation
6.7 Molecular Evolution
6.8 Evolution in the Human Species