NCERT Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Reproductive Health MCQs & PYQ

In NCERT Class 12 Biology Chapter 3, titled "Reproductive Health," students delve into the concept of maintaining physical, emotional, behavioral, and social well-being concerning reproductive processes. The chapter discusses various methods of contraception, assisted reproductive technologies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and population control measures. Students also learn about the significance of creating awareness regarding reproductive health and the role of government and non-government organizations in promoting health care programs.
This article provides a comprehensive resource for exam preparation. It includes sample MCQs and subjective questions for CBSE and CUET, alongside downloadable PDFs of Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 MCQs and previous year questions for detailed practice of NCERT Class 12 Reproductive Health.
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Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 MCQs
This question bank includes previous years' CUET and CBSE MCQs, along with questions curated by subject experts. Below are 5 sample multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3: Reproductive Health. For the full set of 50 questions, download the PDF using the link provided below.
Amniocentesis is used in the prenatal diagnosis of
(a) Chromosomal abnormalities           (b) HIV
(c) STD                        (d) Communicable diseases
Match List – I with List – II.
LIST – I         
A. Tubectomy
I. Barrier method
B. Copper ions
II. Surgical method of sterilisation in human male.
C. Cervical Cap
III. Surgical method of sterilisation in human female.
D. Vasectomy
IV. Suppress motility of sperms
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) A – III, B – IV, C – I, D – II                       (b) A – III, B – I, C – IV, D – II
(c) A – II, B – I, C – IV, D – III                          (d) A – IV, B – II, C – III, D – I
Match List – I with List – II.
List – I
List – II
(A) Lippes loop
(I) Barrier
(B) Vaults
(II) Hormone releasing device
(C) Periodic abstinence
(III) Non medicated IUDs
(D) Progestasert
(IV) Natural method
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) (A) – (I), (B) – (III), (C) – (IV), (D) – (II)                     (b) (A) – (III), (B) – (II), (C) – (IV), (D) – (I)
(c) (A) – (III), (B) – (I), (C) – (IV), (D) – (II)                     (d) (A) – (III), (B) – (I), (C) – (II), (D) – (IV) 
Identify the terminal method used to prevent pregnancy is:
(a) Lactational amenorrhea      (b) Sterilisation
(c) Intra Uterine Device                       (d) Periodic abstinence
Which of the following is a hormone releasing IUD?
(a) Multiload 375         (b) LNG – 20   (c) Cervical Cap           (d) Vault
Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Subjective Questions Without Solutions
This question bank includes previous years' CBSE subjective questions (2 marks and above) without solutions, along with expert-curated questions. Below are 5 sample subjective questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3: Reproductive Health. To access all questions, download the PDF from the link provided below.
(a) List the four major causes of increasing population in our country that you would like to speak on to your fellow students.
(b) Write any two steps that you would stress upon to control the population explosion.
(CBSE 2020, 3M)
Name and explain a surgical contraceptive method that can be adopted by the male partner of a couple.
(CBSE 2023, 3M)
(a) Explain the mode of action of Cu2+ releasing IUDs as a good contraceptive. How is hormone releasing IUD different from it?
(b) Why is ‘Saheli’ a preferred contraceptive by women (any two reasons)? 
(CBSE 2020, 3M)
(a) Name and explain the mode of action of any two types of IUDs.
(b) List the advantages of using ‘Saheli’ as a contraceptive.               
(CBSE 2019, 3M)
(a) IUDs are said to be effective contraceptives. Name any two commonly used IUDs and write the mode of their actions.
(b) When is sterilisation advised to married couples? How is it carried out in a human male and a female, respectively?
(CBSE 2020, 5M)
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Sub Areas of Chapter 3: Reproductive Health
Chapter Name
Sub Topics
Reproductive Health
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Importance of Reproductive Health
3.3 Contraceptive Methods: Natural and Artificial
3.4 Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs)
3.5 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
3.6 Amniocentesis and Ethical Issues
3.7 Role of Government and NGOs in Promoting Awareness
3.8 Population Stabilization Strategies
Review of NCERT Class 12 Biology Chapter 3
In NCERT Class 12 Biology Chapter 3, "Reproductive Health," students explore vital topics that promote overall well-being in reproductive processes. The chapter explains the use of contraceptive methods and the significance of assisted reproductive technologies. It also highlights the importance of awareness regarding sexually transmitted infections and ethical concerns like amniocentesis. These concepts are crucial for understanding population control measures and the promotion of health care programs.
By practicing MCQs and subjective questions, students can deepen their understanding of reproductive health and its societal implications. Mastering this chapter is essential for excelling in exams and building a foundation for careers in medicine, public health, and biology.