CUET Agriculture Syllabus 2025

CUET Agriculture Syllabus 2025- Agriculture is a fascinating field of study. In addition to this, it is one of the 29 domain subjects that will be available for students to choose from in the CUET 2025 Section-II domain-specific test. Students who are considering taking this test in the subject of Agriculture will find a condensed version of the CUET syllabus offered here; it is imperative that they familiarise themselves with this material. Students who are interested in pursuing degrees like a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture or any other educational or occupational degrees that are founded on agriculture in some form or are otherwise connected to it should concentrate their efforts on writing this paper.
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The CUET Agriculture syllabus 2025 for the exam includes an in-depth discussion of all the content areas that will be evaluated. Prospective participants are required to review the syllabus in order to take the entrance exam in 2025.
The first step in any examination preparation should always be to gather the syllabus. Reading the CUET Agriculture syllabus 2025 for the exam can provide an excellent overview of what's expected for the CUET 2025 Agriculture exam. This will equip you with the necessary knowledge required to tackle the exam head-on.
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When designing a study program for CUET 2025, one of the most crucial considerations to give attention to is the syllabus.
Syllabus for CUET Agriculture:
Agriculture and Meteorology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Biochemistry and Microbiology
  • Agrometeorology: Elements of Weather (rainfall, temperature, humidity, wind speed), Sunshine weather predictions, and climate change in crop production.
  • Microbiology: Algae, Bacteria, Fungi, Actinomycetes, Protozoa, and Viruses. Role of microorganisms in respiration, fermentation, and breakdown of organic matter
  • Biochemistry: pH and buffers Classification and naming of carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, and enzyme molecules.
  • Genetics & Plant Breeding: (a) Cell and its structure, cell division-mitosis and meiosis and their significance (b) Organisation of the genetic materials in chromosomes, DNA and RNA (c) Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Reasons for the success of Mendel in his experiments, Absence of linkage in Mendel’s experiments. (d) Quantitative inheritance, continuous and discontinuous variation in plants. (e) Monogenic and polygenic inheritance. (f) Role of Genetics in Plant breeding, self and cross-pollinated crops, methods of breeding in field crops-introduction, selection, hybridization, mutation and polyploidy, tissue and cell culture. (g) Plant Biotechnology definition and scope in crop production.
Livestock Production
  • Relevance and Significance
(a) The significance of livestock in agriculture and industry and the White Revolution in India
(b) Poultry distribution in India and essential foreign and Indian breeds, like buffalo, cow etc.
  • Care and administration:
(a) Housing systems for livestock and poultry
(b) Techniques and principles for feeding.
The definition of the ratio and the elements are in sync.
(d) The management of lactating and pregnant animals, chicks, crocks, layers, calves, and bullocks.
(e) signs of ill animals and common diseases in poultry and cattle, such as rinderpest, black quarter, foot-and-mouth disease, mastitis, and hemorrhagic septicemia. The prevention and treatment of coccidiosis, fowl pox, and Ranikhet sickness.
  • Artificial Insemination: Preservation of sperm, Reproductive organs, collection, dilution, and, artificial insemination, and the importance of artificial insemination in cattle improvement. Milk and milk products are processed and marketed as livestock goods.
Plant Production
  • Soil, Soil fertility, Fertilizers, and Manure:
(a) Soil and its pH, texture, structure, organisms, soil tilth, soil fertility, and soil health.
(b) Plant nutrients, their functions, and symptoms of lack.
(c) India's soil types and their characteristics.
(d) Organic manure, conventional fertilizers including simple, complex, and biofertilizers, and an integrated nutrient management system.
  • Introduction :
(a) Targets and accomplishments in foodgrain production in India since independence, as well as projections for the future, sustainable crop production, commercialization of agriculture, and its application in India.
(b) Classification of field crops according to their utility, including cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibre, sugar, and pasture crops.
  • Crops: Seed treatment, seedbed preparation, Method and timing of sowing/planting, method and time of fertilizer application, irrigation; application, irrigation, intercultural and weed control; common pests and diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and nematodes, and their power, integrated pest management; harvesting, threshing; post-harvest technology: storage, processing, and marketing of significant field crops-Rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, pearl millet, groundnut, mustard, pigeon-pea, gram, sugarcane, cotton and berseem.
  • Weed Control: Weed Control Principles, Weed Control Methods (cultural, mechanical, chemical, biological, and Integrated weed management).
  • Irrigation and Drainage:
(a) Irrigation sources (rain, canals, tanks, rivers, wells, tubewells).
(b) Irrigation scheduling is based on essential growth stages, time intervals, soil moisture content, and meteorological conditions.
(c) The water needs of plants.
(d) Irrigation and drainage techniques.
(e) Watershed management
  • Importance of Vegetables and fruits in crop diversification, human diet, and the food processing industry.
  • Ornamental landscaping, design, Orchard location and vegetable garden.
  • Pruning, Planting method, training, intercropping, frost, and sunburn protection.
  • Trees, shrubs, climbers, annuals, perennials-definition, and examples. Seed, cutting, budding, layering, and grafting propagation.
  • Cultivation, marketing and processing of Fruits, vegetables and flowers.((i) Fruits - mango, papaya, banana, guava, citrus, grapes. (ii) Vegetables - Radish, carrot, potato, onion, cauliflower, brinjal, tomato, spinach and cabbage. (iii) Flowers - Gladiolus, canna, chrysanthemums, roses and marigold. )
  • Packaging and preparation of jellies, jams, ketchup, and chips.
  • Methods and principles for preserving fruits and vegetables.
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