CUET 2025 FAQs

1. What does NTA stands for?
The National Testing Agency (NTA) is a premier testing organisation that was founded by the Ministry of Education, MoE (previously known as the Ministry of Human Resource Development-MHRD) to operate independently.
2. What is CUET (UG) –2025?
CUET (UG) – 2025 stands for the Common University Entrance Test (UG) 2025.
Students can apply to any of the Central Universities (CUs), as well as any of the other participating universities (State Universities, Autonomous Institutions, Private Universities, deemed Universities) in the country, through a single portal in CUET (UG) - 2025. Candidates from all over the country, particularly those from rural and other remote areas, will benefit from CUET (UG) - 2025's unified platform and equal opportunities, as well as from the improved connections it will facilitate between universities. 
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3. How is CUET (UG) –2025 going to be helpful to a student?
A student will benefit from taking the Common University Entrance Test (UG) - 2025 in the following ways: 
Typically, high school seniors were expected to score at or above 95% on the Class 12 Board Test to gain entry to the college of their choice. Now that CUET (UG) - 2025 exists, they won't have to worry as much about performing exceptionally well on the sole Board Test they have to take.
Different Boards' scoring systems and question formats result in vastly varying mark distributions. CUET (UG) - 2025 will now be used to standardise these practices.
In CUET (UG) - 2025, the assessment will also be objective thanks to the use of a multiple-choice question paper format. This will ensure that students taking the traditional Class 12 examinations of various Boards will not be disadvantaged due to the subjectivity involved in evaluating the descriptive-type papers.
The CUET (UG) - 2025 will be administered entirely by computer, with no human involvement in the grading or editing of the results. Students in Grade 12 do not need to do any extra studying for CUET (UG) - 2025 as the content will be drawn directly from the Class 12 curriculum.
Students taking the CUET (UG) - 2025 exam have their pick of 23 different class XII subjects, 13 different languages, and a General Aptitude Test. They are free to choose any Subject/Language/General Aptitude Test that meets the prerequisites of the institution to which admission is being pursued. According to the NEP, the CUET (UG) - 2025 will be given in the following languages: English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.
4. How will The Common University Entrance Test CUET (UG) – 2025 address the diversity of students across the country?
Students from all over India, whether they attended a school affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), or the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), will benefit from the Common University Entrance Examination (UG) - 2025.
Students in CUET (UG) - 2025 can pick from a broad variety of courses, including 27 majors, 33 languages, and a General Aptitude Test. They are free to choose any Subject/Language/General Aptitude Test that meets the prerequisites of the institution to which admission is being pursued. The exam can be taken in any of the 13 languages listed there.
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5. Is there any negative marking in the CUET exam?
Yes, Each correct answer in the CUET will be awarded 5 marks, whereas each incorrect answer will result in a deduction of 1 mark. There will be no negative marking for questions left unanswered.
6. What is the mode of CUET?
The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct CUET online in CBT mode(Computer-Based Test).
7. Which domain subjects are discontinued under CUET & what will be the basis for admissions to these programs?
The domain-specific subjects/papers being discontinued are 'Entrepreneurship,' 'Teaching Aptitude,' 'Fashion Studies,' 'Tourism,' 'Legal Studies,' and 'Engineering Graphics.' Admissions to these programs will now be based on performance in the General Aptitude Test.
8. What modification is being made to the General Test?
The General Test is being restructured and renamed as the General Aptitude Test.
9 . How many times can one appear for the CUET exam?
One can sit for the CUET multiple times, as of now. However, the Central Universities might have their own eligibility criteria for admission to their UG programs.
10. What is the maximum number of subjects a candidate can appear for?
A candidate can appear for up to a maximum of five (05) subjects.
11. How will the medium of examination and admissions for language-specific programs be conducted under CUET-UG 2024?
The medium of examination will be in 13 languages: English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. Language-specific papers to test proficiency in these 13 languages will be conducted as per CUET-UG 2024. For all other languages, including 20 foreign languages, admissions will be based on performance in the General Aptitude Test.
12. How do I prepare for the CUET?
To excel in any entrance exam, it is essential to have a good grasp of the paper pattern and the topics covered. Therefore, beginning with a Mock Test is a prudent step. Here are some tips that can help you prepare efficiently for CUET:
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus and the exam pattern.
  • Create a realistic and workable timetable and adhere to it.
  • Focus on building a strong foundation by mastering the fundamental concepts.
  • Take regular Mock Tests, and analyze your performance to identify your strengths and weaknesses and improve your skills.
  • 13. I secured 99% marks in Class 12 but did not get admission to the desired university.
    There used to be a common complaint among applicants: even if they got a perfect grade of 99% in 12th grade, they still couldn't get into the colleges of their preference. This was primarily because questions on various Boards were of different types and were scored differently. CUET (UG) - 2025 introduces uniform guidelines for these practices. In CUET (UG) - 2025, the assessment will also be objective due to the use of a multiple-choice question paper format. Candidates will not be disadvantaged by the subjective nature of the assessment of descriptive-style papers on the standard Class 12 exams administered by various Boards.
    14. How will I prepare for both CUET (UG)– 2025 and the Board Examinations?
    The CUET (UG) - 2025 topic and domain test syllabi will be aligned with those of Class 12 to relieve students of the burden of studying for two separate exams. Candidate preparation for Board Exams will benefit from the work put into succeeding at CUET (UG) - 2025. This would help them study more effectively.
    15. What does the National Education Policy Say?
    The National Education Policy has made it abundantly clear that all prospective college students in the country must take a standardized test to ensure a level playing field when comparing applicants.
    16. Will the Board Exam become redundant now?
    Basic eligibility requirements for universities, such as having completed the GED or the equivalent of a high school diploma, have not changed. In reality, the required grade 12 GPA varies between courses and schools. The Board examination is a test of Accomplishment, while the CUET (UG) - 2025 is a Selection test. Therefore, it's unlikely that Grade 12 Board Examinations will become unnecessary. For all National Level examinations, including JEE and NEET, basic eligibility criteria is a critical element for admission.
    According to the guidelines for college admissions tests, one standard exam is necessary. The National Testing Agency (NTA) will provide examinations in the sciences, humanities, languages, arts, and vocational fields, in addition to the Common Aptitude Test. 
    17. How does CUET (UG) – 2025 provide more flexibility and options for me to choose from?
    In CUET (UG) – 2025, a candidate can take a maximum of 5 subjects from all three sections.
    18. How will CUET (UG)- 2025 become a great social equalizer?
    Candidates from all over the country, but particularly those from the North East and rural/remote areas, will benefit from the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) (Undergraduate) - 2025's common platform for equal opportunities and increased access to higher education. 
    19. What about the flexibility and autonomy of universities? Will it not be curtailed?
    Universities are in charge of organizing the counselling process for students. The universities will be compiling their own Merit Lists for the programs offered, and they may use the same strategy as in previous years to cover any seats left vacant by students who decide not to enrol.
    20. What is CUET (UG) –2025 meant for?
    For the 2025–24 academic years, it will be used to admit students to undergraduate programs at Central Universities and other participating universities, institutions, and organizations. The number of participating institutions in CUET (UG)-2025 continues to grow. Institutions that are taking part can be found on the NTA website
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    21. What is the role of NTA in CUET (UG) -2025?
    NTA has been given the responsibility of administering the CUET (UG) – 2025. The responsibilities of the NTA are limited to candidate registration, the distribution of admit cards, the administration of examinations, the hosting of answer keys and the invitation of challenges, the finalisation of answer keys, processing, and the announcement of results. Eligibility, reservation, admission, etc. are governed by the respective Central University/Participating Institutions' rules and regulations. NTA is not involved in the admissions processes of Participating Institutions.
    22. What is the responsibility of applicants?
    Applicants should review the information about the course,  eligibility, reservation, number of seats, admission policy, tests in CUET (UG) – 2025 to which the desired courses are mapped, etc. available on the website of the concerned University /Organization / Institution where they want admission and ensure that they are eligible for the desired course and the test that they must take in CUET (UG) – 2025, and then apply accordingly.
    It is the responsibility of the candidates to be certain of their selections and the requirements of the universities to which they seek admission, to ensure that they meet the eligibility requirements, and to fill out the application form accurately.
    23. Which Central Universities or Institutions are participating in this CUET (UG) - 2025?
    For a complete listing of participating Institutions, please visit on the NTA website.
    24. Is it compulsory for a candidate who desires to join any Central University to appear in CUET (UG) - 2025?
    Yes, CUET (UG) - 2025 is required for admission to any UG course at a Central University or one of its affiliated colleges for the academic year 2025. Admission to UG courses at Central Universities for the academic year 2025 will depend on the NTA score obtained in the CUET (UG) - 2025.
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    25. When is the exam going to be held?
    It is expected to be scheduled for May 2025. it is recommended to regularly check the NTA website for any updates or the exact dates related to this matter.
    26. What is the mode of conducting the exam?
    The CUET 2025 exam will be administered in an Online mode (CBT).
    27. What is the pattern of the test?
    The examination will be objective type. Exam questions will be presented in Multiple Choice format.
    28. What is the duration of the test?
    Duration for all test papers would be 60 minutes for all the subjects across the three sections.
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